Our projects
Our core business is providing market access to our smallholders, semi-process the crops and sell them on the international market. But it does not stop there. Lima invests a lot in additional projects which helps the smallholder to increase and diversify his/her income. We have highlighted some of our projects below.
Interested in knowing more about the crops we sell? Click on the link below!
Carbon credits
Since January 2023, Lima has developed a Smallholder Agroforestry Carbon Project. We aim to plant more than 3.8 million trees with our smallholders and sequester 4.2 million tCO2 over a 30 year time span.
Macadamia nuts
Lima started investing in the macadamia nut sector in Tanzania. Macadamia trees are a great crop for smallholder farmers as the trees can be intercropped with annuals and provide a nutrious extra income for the farmer. We are currently selling the nuts on the local market.
Having a paper-based system involves a lot of paperwork. A digital system which helps us with tracebility and transparency helps us to reduce paper consumption, provides technical training to our staff and gives access to digital financing systems for our smallholders.
Bee keeping
Bee keeping and agriculture go hand-in-hand. Keeping bees nearby farms with e.g. coffee, chia or sesame can increase pollination and sometimes even the quality of the product. We invest in modern bee hives to help our farmers increase yields and provide an additional income to our farmers.
In-origin processing
We invest in local processing, as close to the origin as possible to add value, create jobs and train farmers on processing and quality. We have two new projects coming up: Robusta coffee processing at village level & setting-up the first cocoa factory in Tanzania to produce cocoa mass.
Want to invest?
We are always looking for new partnerships. You want to know more about what we do or you like to invest in one of our projects? Contact us!