About us

We are business people with in-house organic growers. Our smallholders become part of our team, we are the operator of the smallholder scheme, present 365 days a year at village level. We give agricultural training, supply inputs, offer crop pre-finance, provide market access, purchase direct from the individual farmer at village level and provide tracebility to our customers. 

The Lima team

It is smallholders that have built our company and most of our staff was originally a smallholder. We ask villagers and fellow smallholders to select their representative, we employ and train these representatives to conduct the work in the villages. Their competitiveness will promote them to manager and permanent employee. Most of our managers have been woring with us over 20 years.

Our mission is to put nature and pleasure back into agriculture within a sustainable financial system. 

Our projects


Our projects are designed in accordance with smallholder requests. Smallholder crops are processed as close to the village as possible to provide technical training and employement.